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soul guide | space holder | facilitator of transmutation

I am here to see deeply into the core of your being.

Through my intuitive & instinctual awareness, I sense the unique spirit & magic that aches to awaken within you.
I am here to see your potential, truth & purpose; to transmit what I see and to initiate you into a deeper level of self-awareness and individuation.

I am here to guide you safely into your inner darkness, to help you transmute past experiences and heavy baggage you have been carrying for too long — to assist you in uncovering the shadows and patterns preventing your true thriving.

I am here to be a Soul Guide,

& if you are someone I am here to witness, guide and initiate, then I am honoured to journey into the depths of your inner waters with you.


My journey..

“you have to work with people...” my soul whispered to me in early 2018.

This whisper became louder and louder until it was a fiery roar from the depths of my inner flame.

Ok, I’m listening.. please show me the way.

I didn’t know what it might look like or how it would unfold, all I knew is that I had to trust in my inner voice.

A wild & beautiful path unfolded which led me to my teachers, my tools, my soul companions and most importantly — my homecoming.

The Inner Landscape was born — a place to unearth the whispers of the unseen realms.

To learn more about my story, continue reading below ..


 a place for your challenges to be met & transformed into treasure


I love the dark .. the unseen realms.

My favourite time of day is when dusk arrives and the colours merge into a hazy painting of mystery — layers of silver, blues & greens dancing in an electric pulse.

Where, to touch the heart of source, you have to keep your eyes open even when you cannot see, your senses aware and let the unknown take you ..

To surrender into the dance of life.

I have always loved the dark. The parts of ourselves, our story, our experiences we would rather not look at or feel — the raw humanness that can sometimes feel unbearable to allow in.
The purity of the human experience, where even pain can be so exquisitely beautiful — where the unfathomable is met with presence.


This is where I venture, and the place I take you to ..

Because I know that the key lies here treasure and expansion awaits the one courageous enough to venture down into
the depths.

Into the unknown.

I have always been a curious wanderer of my inner landscape —
from the most hidden shadowy caverns, to the bright moonlit starry skies.

I navigated many of life’s hardships from a young age — chronic illness and sudden death within my immediate family, tidal waves of grief, trauma, anxiety and overwhelm. And I met these challenging parts of my life by exploring them through creativity, presence & listening, shadow work and often just pure determination — and as a result I connected deeply to my inner wisdom, getting to know myself truly, in all ways, without shame, blame or guilt.

It wasn’t always easy, far from it. I spent years trapped by the pain of my experiences, not able to live my life fully the way I knew deep within my heart I was meant to. What really shifted my reality, alongside my self-exploration; was the discovery that I am a Highly Sensitive Person, finding Human Design and finally the life-altering process of PSYCH-K®. These tools, processes and awarenesses came like lightening bolts that shook my world awake and catapulted me into a life of freedom — of living in balance with my unique rhythm, finally free from the heavy baggage I had been carrying.

So, it wasn’t a surprise that this is the work I was asked to step into — to be a guide for others longing to embark on this journey. To open up a safe space to unravel the threads of pain.

Everyone deserves this. To unburden their heavy load. To be free. To thrive, as their true Self.

I burn with passion for this
healing truly doesn’t have to be painful or difficult, and it doesn’t have to take a lifetime.

Of course it is a process — but it actually gets to be a beautiful, gentle and even fun journey with the right tools and support.

And it can be even more rapid than the logical mind thinks possible when we access the subconscious landscape, which is the work you can explore with me through the incredible process of PSYCH-K®.

The Inner Landscape opens a sacred space for you to meet your humanness with radical self-kindness; your past experiences, your pain, your challenges.

Here you will venture down into the depths, but you will come up again — as a more radiant, clear and purposeful Self.

You will meet your uniqueness, your dreams & purpose; your true path and you will begin to share your magik with the world.


You will be guided on a grounded but ecstatic journey Home to yourself — where you will alchemise your shadows and find the treasures hidden in the depths of your inner landscape.


All of you is welcome here.

I see you, your longing. Your inner fire. 

& I would be honoured to journey alongside you,

Silje Lovise

Further details of my story and training


My name is Silje Lovise Gjertsen. I come from and live on the wild stony ocean landscape on the west-coast of Bergen, Norway — a mystical land which infuses everything I create, do & share.

For those into Human Design & Astrology; I am a 2/4 Splenic Projector with the RAX of Eden, I have the curious & passionate Sagittarius in my Sun, a Libra Moon and Gemini Rising.

I moved to London in my early twenties to study art, and after completing a BA (Hons) in Photography at LCC, University of the Arts London, I embarked on an MA in Photography at the Royal College of Art.

I am still a practicing artist, and my greatest meditation is to wander the Land with my large-format camera and witness its shapes up-side down through the glass under the dark cloth — capturing its magic and whispers. And whilst printing my works in the womb of the darkroom I fall deep into my inner landscape, here hours pass as I journey through realms of possibility and creation.

Few things get me more excited (other than perhaps stone) than to help others find their innate authentic creative expression, purpose & potential.


A pillar in my life & work is living through ritual and treating the Land as sacred — sharing and honouring its magik through my art as well as through group ceremony and circles.

In 2020 I answered another call .. from deep within my bones — from my Nordic heritage, my ancestors & lineage. To step onto the path of the wisewoman of the Northern lands, the Vølve.

I embarked on a two year training with my Swedish teacher Zindra Andersson, and I am now a tradition keeper of the Vølve — honouring the sacred shamanic practices of the Norse.

In addition to my online work, I hold in-person sessions, circles, retreats & gatherings, in Norway and internationally.


Further training :

Pause Place, Spiritual Coach & Practicioner, Certified 2019

PSYCH-K® Basic, Certified 2019

PSYCH-K® Advanced, Certified 2019

PSYCH-K® Master Facilitator, Certified 2019

The Way of the Vølva, Norse Shamanka, Priestess of Freyja & Tradition Keeper of the Vølva, Spiral I, Certified 2021

The Way of the Vølva, Norse Shamanka, Priestess of Freyja & Tradition Keeper of the Vølva, Spiral II, Certified 2022